Women’s Day Celebration at AITS

Women’s Day Celebration at AITS

Women’s Day Celebrations – 8th Mar 19 at AITS Campus where chief guests discussed significant topics weaved around Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana & Nirbhaya act.

C. Sathyavani garu (Sessions Judge) stated to young girls, self-respect is most important for women. Today’s women are competing with men in all phases of life.
P.Padma (Professor Yogi Vemana University), opines every girl must pursue education and embrace every opportunity that knocks.

DR.T.Lavanya (Lavanya Fertility) shared importance of saving girl child and women health issues need prioritization.

M.Praveena, (Women Empowerment Cell) highlighted personal and work life balance is attainable if three things woman handle carefully, the career, children and marriage.

Annamacharya Educational Trust was founded in the year 1997 by C.Gangi Reddy that offers quality-driven education to the rural youth. The rural area is affluent in talent, but for the dearth of educational facilities. This talent has to be channelized for the prosperity for the society and growth of the country in large.

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