3 Days National Level Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC-2018)

3 Days National Level Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC-2018)

Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Rajampet (Autonomous) is organizing “3 Days National Level Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC-2018)” funded by The National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), Dept. of Science & Technology(DST), Govt. of India during 5th -7th September 2018 at Rajampet college campus.

The objective of the camp is to create students of Engineering and Sciences courses about various facets of entrepreneurship as an alternative career option and also to highlight the merits of pursing such an option. Moreover, this program also aims to bring together the experts from industries, government agencies working in the field of entrepreneurship and students of Science & Technology and Humanities in order to provide a forum for the free and fruitful exchange of ideas and information for be-coming an entrepreneur. It will also explore the possible business opportunities and create all necessary awareness to start an SSI Unit as per government procedures.

Annamacharya Educational Trust was founded in the year 1997 by C.Gangi Reddy that offers quality-driven education to the rural youth. The rural area is affluent in talent, but for the dearth of educational facilities. This talent has to be channelized for the prosperity for the society and growth of the country in large.

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