24-hr Hackathon at AITS, Rajampet
AITS, Rajampet is going to host a 24-hr Hackathon on ‘Building Chatbots for Service Industry’ jointly organized by SmartBridge and IBM Corporation on 19th – 20th December 2018. Prior to the Hackathon, a BootCamp will be held on 18th December to provide the students with hands-on practice on building chatbots using IBM Watson. Ideas and suggestions will be drawn from the participants on applications of chatbots in various sectors like education, healthcare, tourism, social welfare, public governance, human resource development, banking & finance, micro-finance, manufacturing, agriculture, women empowerment etc.
The registration fee for the BootCamp and the Hackathon is Rs. 1200 – per student and the membership limit for a team is Minimum 3 & Maximum 5. The teams have to bring their own laptop (4GB RAM, i3 Processor, Windows 7 & above/ Ubuntu) for the event.