5 tips to stay sane in lockdown during the pandemic

5 tips to stay sane in lockdown during the pandemic

Mental health is important. And in this critical situation, it is of utmost importance. Due to the sudden Corona virus outbreak, many cities have gone under lockdown, leading to a life of isolation for many. Being cooped up inside your house often heightens the feeling of missing out a lot in life. It is normal to lose sanity in such a situation, but we are here to help you out in this situation.

Here are few ways to stay sane during this lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic and get over of this lockdown blues –

Apply Mindfulness –

It can be practised in the form of yoga, meditation, doing various breathing techniques, self-affirmations, writing a diary and others practises. These activities will help you to concentrate on present, improve your emotional state, reduce anxiety and deal with stress-related symptoms.

Practice indoor workouts -

Physical health and mental health go hand-in-hand. To keep your mind healthy, maintaining your health through healthy meals and indoor exercises are necessary. Add good fats to breakfast, Vitamin D to meals through foods like fish, eggs, mushrooms and maintain a healthier lifestyle than usual. Along with healthy food, add some daily workout sessions to your routine. You will get a lot of online workout videos and courses, take up those and stay healthy.

Organise your home -

Along with a healthy life, it is equally important to keep your house clean and breathe fresh air and not intake dust. Cleaning, gardening, cooking act as therapies for calming the mind. Distract yourself from the stress of isolation and make DIY accessories to deck up your room. Keep yourself busy with refreshing songs and household chores. These will not only keep your house germ-free but will also calm your mind and help you to stay sane.

Use social media mindfully -

In situations like this, fake news circulates more and getting depressed reading those are quite easy. Believe information shared through trusted sources such as the CDC, WHO and health ministry. Also, think twice before sharing any news to your close ones or in social media and try to motivate them with positive messages.

Practice generosity, empathy and respect -

Just like you, somebody else is also trying to be sane and be productive in this lockdown. Develop a sense of generosity, respect and empathy towards others and avoid negative situations. Bring a smile on someone by helping them. Avoid discrimination and create an environment of peace.

In this crazy time, it is okay to feel down and overwhelmed with emotions. But inspire yourself and others with various videos, interactive activities and stay healthy!

Remember the famous Persian adage, ‘This too shall pass’ by the medieval Sufi poet Rumi!

Annamacharya Educational Trust was founded in the year 1997 by C.Gangi Reddy that offers quality-driven education to the rural youth. The rural area is affluent in talent, but for the dearth of educational facilities. This talent has to be channelized for the prosperity for the society and growth of the country in large.

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