We are proud to announce that our student M. Subbarayudu of B. Pharmacy final year got First Prize in a national level conference

We are proud to announce that our student M. Subbarayudu of B. Pharmacy final year got First Prize in a national level conference

We are proud to announce that our student M. Subbarayudu of B. Pharmacy final year received First Prize in a national level conference organized by PRRM College of Pharmacy, Kadapa, entitled Innovations in Novel Drug Delivery System And Clinical Research. His presentation titled Inverse Pharmacology illustrated the eradication and treatment of viral diseases like Rous Sarcoma virus, Human Immuno Suppressive Virus, Herpes Simplex Virus, Trepanoma Palladium virus by using SYN Pharm Tool technology. Vice-Chairman, C. Yella Reddy and Principal, Dr D. Swarnalatha, congratulated him on his success. The Secretary, Sri.C. Gangi Reddy, Treasurer & Executive Director, Sri. C. Abhishek Reddy, Chairman, Dr C Ramachandra Reddy shared that the students studying from NBA and NAAC accredited institutions like Annamacharya College of Pharmacy can be assured of receiving a quality education and high morals and one day they would become worthy Indian citizens.

Annamacharya Educational Trust was founded in the year 1997 by C.Gangi Reddy that offers quality-driven education to the rural youth. The rural area is affluent in talent, but for the dearth of educational facilities. This talent has to be channelized for the prosperity for the society and growth of the country in large.

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