Annual Sports Day – 2023 at AITS Tirupati

Annual Sports Day - 2023 at AITS Tirupati

Annual Sports Day 2023 was conducted by Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, (Autonomous) Tirupati on 19th May 2023. Prof. KSMS RaghavaRao, Registrar, IIT Tirupati graced the occasion as honourable chief guest. Mr. N. TejeshwarRao of III Mechanical Engineering branch welcomed the guest through his gorgeous performance through Kuchipudi dance. Dignitaries lighted the lamp followed by prayer song. Dr. C. Nadhamuni Reddy, Principal expounded the sports day report for the year 2023, which included the credentials of the college, number of sports events conducted (like Cricket, Shuttle, Carooms etc) and number of students participated etc. Later, the chief guest spoke on the importance of games, necessity of integration of sports with education and how arts are god gifted to individuals. He concluded his speech to make best use of sports apart from academics in the college days. Honourable Chairman started his speech with the famous quote “Health is Wealth”, how health should be maintained properly for achieving goals in life. And for having sound health, sports should be mandated for the college students. Sports will help to maintain body fitness in turn sound mind of the healthy individuals. Later, he congratulated all the students who participated, stood as winners and runners of the various games. Honourable Chairman and Principal felicitated the chief guest. Prizes were distributed to the runners and winners of various games and sports held by the dignitaries. Cultural Programs were performed by the students. The program ended with vote of thanks by Dr. K. Ramya, IQAC coordinator. Heads of various Departments, faculty and students participated in the event.

Annamacharya Educational Trust was founded in the year 1997 by C.Gangi Reddy that offers quality-driven education to the rural youth. The rural area is affluent in talent, but for the dearth of educational facilities. This talent has to be channelized for the prosperity for the society and growth of the country in large.

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